Students in grades 6-8 receive instruction in the core academic courses of religion, mathematics, science, social studies and language arts. Students travel between classes to receive instruction from a teacher who specializes in each particular content area. In addition to the core academic courses, grades 6-8 take classes in art, technology, Spanish, music, and physical education. These class offerings are rotated throughout the academic school year to ensure that students are able to participate in each course. Middle school students are exposed to academic rigor that will prepare them for high school.
Students in middle school participate fully in their faith formation by preparation of the liturgy, monthly visits to the Adoration Chapel, retreats, and vocational field trips. In addition to the core academic courses, students in grades 6-8 also participate in enrichment classes of PE, music, art, and technology is integrated throughout all subject areas.
St. James follows the Archdiocese of Colorado’s recommended curriculum which can be reviewed in detail on their website