
The Athletic Program at St. James is designed to foster a healthy attitude towards athletics while providing students the opportunity to develop sportsmanship and teamwork. Our goal is to offer sports programs that encourage physical growth, build teamwork, and foster spiritual attitudes that will remain with our athletes throughout their education.

Students and parents are encouraged to participate in the St. James Sports Program. We have a variety of sports that cultivate physical and spiritual growth. With that in mind, we hold to the Archdiocesan standards of academic success first and foremost to ensure that students are academically successful before they walk onto the court or field.

In the fall, middle school students have the opportunity to participate in cross country. St. James offers basketball for girls and boys in the 3rd – 8th grade. We have a widgets team for 3rd through 4th grade; junior varsity for 5th and 6th grade; and varsity for 7th and 8th grade. The girls and boys compete on separate teams. In the spring, we offer volleyball for 5th – 8th grade students.

St. James belongs the the Catholic School Athletic League (CSAL) that promotes healthy competitive matches between other parish schools and encourages friendships among the athletes in CSAL. The Athletic Program at St. James is a great way to be involved in your child’s education and extracurricular activities. It offers a Christian model for being a spectator, coach, or player.

Athlete’s Prayer: Lord Jesus, we turn to you as our model of charity. Help us to follow your example by demonstrating good sportsmanship. May our thoughts, words, and actions give glory to Your Holy Name. Amen.

St. James is a participant in the Play Like a Champion Today program through the Archdiocese of Denver. This program fosters a Christian attitude in competitive sports. It encourages students to remember their Christian values in all sports and to support other athletes through fair play and good sportsmanship