K-5th Grade


Our Kindergarten program is available for children who have reached their fifth birthday by October 1st of the year of their enrollment. We offer a full day Kindergarten experience for all students. In addition to the continuing development of socialization and communication skills, our kindergarten curriculum includes readiness programs in math and reading. We also provide exploratory experiences in religion, science, and social studies.

Students also participate in scheduled art, music, and PE classes.



Elementary Grades 1-5

Students in grades 1-5 are taught in self-contained classrooms. All of the core academics are taught by a specific grade level teacher including religion, mathematics, language arts, science, and history. Students are taught the fundamentals of the Catholic faith through Archdiocesan approved texts and curriculum.  Second grade students prepare to receive the Sacrament of Penance, while third grade students prepare to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist and Confirmation.

All students attend Mass every Friday and on Holy Days. Students of all grade levels participate in enrichment classes of music, art, and PE, and technology is integrated throughout all subject areas. Students demonstrate individual proficiencies at grade level or above through a variety of assessment methods which include, but are not limited to, performance, project presentation, curriculum based written and oral exams, and standardized tests. Fifth grade is a special year at St. James, as it is a transition year between elementary and middle school.

St. James follows the Archdiocese of Denver’s recommended curriculum which can be reviewed in detail on their website.